Do you ever just look in the fridge ánd wonder whát you áre going to máke your fámily for dinner? I do this áll of the time. I háte going out to eát ánd when we do, we usuálly just wish I would háve cooked át hime. This recipe just háppened to be á product of items thát were only in my fridge. ánd let me tell you… it turned out fántástic!
I love á good stir fry ánd they áre the perfect meál in one. This one álso included tender chicken ánd the sávory honey gárlic sáuce just coáts it so perfectly.
We loved this meál ánd I know thát your fámily will too!
álso try our recipe Skillet Beáns ánd Rice with Kielbásá
- 2 táblespoons olive oil
- ½ bundle áspárágus, cut into pieces
- 4 ounce mushrooms, sliced
- 1 smáll yellow squásh, sliced
- 1 smáll zucchini, sliced
- 1 red bell pepper, cut into chucks
- sált ánd pepper
- 1 pound chicken, cubed
- ¼ cup soy sáuce
- ¼ cup honey
- 1 teáspoon sesáme oil
- ½ cup chicken broth
- 3 cloves gárlic, minced
- 2 teáspoons cornstárch
- pinch of red pepper flákes
Source :
- Instructions:
- In á lárge skillet over medium high heát, ádd the olive oil. Sáuté the veggies, áspárágus, mushrooms, yellow squásh, zucchini, bell pepper ánd sált ánd pepper until tender. Remove from the pán ánd set áside on á pláte.
- ádd the chicken ánd cook until tender ánd no longer pink. In á smáll bowl, whisk soy sáuce, honey, sesáme oil, chicken broth, gárlic ánd cornstárch.
- ádd the vegetábles báck to the skillet with the chicken ánd pour sáuce on top. Simmer until sáuce stárts to thicken ánd serve over rice if desired.
Reád more our recipe Báileys Shámrock Sháke
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