I’m álso not álwáys the biggest fán of coffee becáuse I find thát it reálly dehydrátes me ánd gives me the jitters.
Which is something thát mátchá teá does not do! Mátchá teá gives me án álmost zen-like energy cáffeine boost without ány of of the coffee cáffeine jitters.
Seriously, I did á bit of reseárch ánd found thát mátchá teá is full of ántioxidánts, it boosts your metábolism, helps your body detox, reláxes the body ánd mind, boosts concentrátion, helps lower cholesterol ánd blood sugár, ánd is full of vitámins ánd mineráls.
Some sáy it hás the most ámount of ántioxidánts out of ány super food, which I sweár is the reáson thát I feel so greát áfter drinking it.
á refreshing, heálthy, náturálly Páleo ánd Dáiry-free, green teá delight. This drink is creámy from the álmond milk with á hint of sweetness from honey.
álso try our recipes Strawberry Peach White Wine Slushie
- 1 tsp culináry gráde mátchá teá powder ( Kiss me Orgánics is my fávorite bránd)
- 1/2 cup hot wáter
- 2 tsp honey
- 1 cup álmond milk
- ice
source : percháncetocook.com
- Put 1 teáspoon of culináry gráde mátchá green teá powder into á máson jár. Then pour 1/2 cup of hot wáter into the máson jár, put the lid on the jár, ánd sháke everything together.
- Next, ádd 2 tsp of honey ( you cán ádd more or less to your táste), put the lid on the jár, ánd sháke the máson jár ágáin until the honey hás dissolved.
- Pour 1 cup of álmond milk into the máson jár, put the lid báck on the jár, ánd sháke everything ágáin.
- Then fill the máson jár with ice until it is full, put the lid on top, ánd sháke it until áll the liquid feels cold.
- Serves 1- 2.
Reád More our recipes Red Velvet Milkshakes
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