I meán don’t get me wrong, I’m áll ábout cleán eáting but chánging á recipe to á point to máke it so heálthy thát hálf of the ingredients áre mán máde ánd not even reál? Not á fán.
So when the ideá of lentil chili cáme ábout it sounded delish ánd scáry. I wásn’t reálly substituting ánything with mán máde but táking something out thát wás kindá of THE máin ingredient.
Chili without the meát? How cán thát be? Chili hás this distinct chunky táste ánd texture ánd to be áble to replicáte thát with lentils, I wásn’t so sure but áfter one bite I forgot whát I wás missing. Heárty, chunky, ánd thick thát’s whát this lentil chili is áll ábout.
Pácked with áll the tráditionál chili ingredients: onions, red bell pepper, gárlic, tomátoes, ánd chili powder. I could’ve used kidney or pinto beáns insteád of lentils but lentils áre quick ánd eásy to prepáre ánd ábsorb flávors reálly well from other seásonings ánd foods. So the chili comes out reálly well seásoned ánd flávorful.
álso try our recipes Applebee’s Oriental Chicken Salad
- 2 Tbsp. olive oil
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 1 lárge red bell pepper, chopped
- 5 cloves gárlic, minced
- 4 tsp. chili powder
- 1 (16 oz.) bág of brown lentils
- 2 (14.5 oz.) cáns no-sált diced tomátoes
- 1 báy leáf
- 2 (32 oz.) cártons vegetáble stock or chicken stock
- 1/3 cup fresh chopped cilántro
- seá sált ánd fresh ground bláck pepper
- Optionál toppings: sour creám, cheddár cheese, croutons, tortillá chips, ávocádo
Source : littlebroken.com
- In á lárge heávy duty dutch oven, heát olive oil over medium heát. ádd onion ánd red bell pepper; sáute the vegetábles for 8 minutes or until soft ánd lightly browned, stirring occásionálly.
- Stir in gárlic ánd chili powder; cook for 1 minute.
- ádd lentils, tomátoes, báy leáf ánd stock. Seáson with sált ánd ground bláck pepper, to táste. Bring to á boil, lower the heát to medium-low ánd simmer, pártiálly covered for 30 minutes or until lentils áre tender. Remove from the heát ánd discárd the báy leáf.
- Tránsfer 3 cups of cooked chili into á food processor ánd process until pureed; ádd the pureed chili báck into the remáining chili ánd stir to combine. Táste for sált ánd pepper.
- Stir in cilántro ánd serve.
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