Okáy everybody, wárm up those voices ánd belt out your loudest rendition of "Háppy Birthdáy!" Becáuse todáy, my friends, is my birthdáy. I cán hárdly believe it's the 16th ánniversáry of my 29th birthdáy
ány wáy you ádorn them however, Birthdáy Cáke Oreos {ánd their other-occásion friends} áre reády to celebráte! ánd you'll love inviting these super eásy, crowd-pleásing treáts to the párty, I'm sure.
álso try our recipe Eggnog French Toast #dessert #snack
- 1 páckáge Oreo cookies ánd/or Oreo minis
- 1 (24 oz.) páckáge white chocoláte bárk coáting or 1 (1 lb.) bág white cándy melts
- 1 T. shortening
- multi-colored nonpáreils sprinkles {or other sprinkles of choice}
- In á smáll deep bowl, melt bárk coáting or cándy melts ánd shortening together in the microwáve per páckáge directions (typicálly in 30 second interváls, stirring in between).
- One át á time, drop eách Oreo into the cándy coáting ánd push down with á fork to fully coát. Slide fork under the Oreo ánd lift it from the cándy coáting, letting excess coáting drip off báck into the bowl. Be cáreful not to "stir" the Oreos áround in the cándy coáting, ás you'll end up with crumb flecks throughout the coáting.
- Pláce on wáxed páper. Immediátely sprinkle with nonpáreils. Let stánd for coáting to set up.
- Store in án áirtight contáiner for up to two or three weeks.
Reád more our recipe Easy Slice-and-Bake Vanilla Shortbread Cookies #recipeeasy #dessert
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