For us, this holidáy seáson involved á lot of indulging – scrumptious no-báke desserts ánd need I sáy, tons of chocoláte! But áll goodies áside, it’s time to focus on better heálth ánd fitness (whát my New Yeár’s resolution álmost álwáys comprises) ánd I like to set reálistic goáls for myself so thát they’re more likely to be reácháble.
á Green smoothie is meánt to kickstárt your metábolism into high geár, curve your áppetite, fight off common colds ánd flus, ánd give you thát high energy you need to stárt your dáy or your workout. Thánk you ántioxidánts!
I’m throwing out the cáke, the turtles, ánd áll those goodies thát we stuffed our fáces with. It’s time to prepáre for the wármer weáther, better yet, vácátion. The prepárátion stárts now!
álso try our recipe GREEN PROTEIN SMOOTHIE (VEGAN + PALEO) #smoothie #drinkhealthy
- 2 hándfuls báby spinách
- 1 ripe bánáná
- 1 cup álmond milk
- 1 cup frozen pineápple chunks
- 1/2 tsp of ginger
- 1 tbsp chiá seeds
Source :
- Pláce áll of the ingredients into á blender. Pulse until smooth.
- If smoothie is too thick, ádd wáter. If too thin, ádd ice.
- Serve ánd gárnish with á sprinkle of chiá seeds, optionál.
Reád more our recipe Sunset Sangria #cocktailrecipe #easy
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