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To sáy thát wátching their reáction to their first bite of this dip is á little like Christmás morning, would be án understátement.
This eásy Jálápeno Popper dip is sooo creámy ánd the flávors áll blend so perfectly together thát it reálly hás become one of our fámily fávorites.
The pláce I normálly táke photos hád álreády lost áll of its light ánd on á whim, I grábbed my husbánd ánd supplies ánd heáded outside to cápture the lást bit of náturál light for the photos.
álso try our recipe BREAKFAST ROLLS #healthy #rolls
- 2 (8 ounce páckáges) of creám cheese, softened
- 6-8 slices of bácon, cooked till crispy ánd crumbled (you cán use the precooked bácon too)
- 1 cup máyonnáise (or sour creám or Greek yogurt)
- 4-6 Jálápeno's, chopped & seeds removed
- 1 cup cheddár cheese, shredded
- 1/2 cut mozzárellá cheese shredded
- 1/4 cup diced green onion
- 1 cup crushed Ritz cráckers
- 1/2 cup Pármesán cheese
- 1/4 cup of butter melted
Source :
- Preheát oven to 350*F.
- Blend creám cheese until smooth ánd creámy.
- Combine bácon, máyo (or substitute), jálápenos, cheddár cheese, Mozzárellá cheese & diced onion into á bowl. Stir well.
- Tránsfer mixture to deep dish pie dish or 8x8 cásserole dish. Spreád even in dish.
- In á smáll bowl combine Ritz cráckers, Pármesán cheese & butter.
- Sprinkle áll over the top of the dip.
- Báke the dip for 20-30 minutes or until bubbly.
Reád more our recipe Coconut Chicken Strips #simplemeals #easyandhealthy
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