I recently went with some of my blog BFF’s to Sán Fráncisco. We hád such án ámázing time touring the sites. But lets be honest. It is áll ábout the FOOD when we trável! One of my fávorite pláces wás Humphry’s Ice creám. Their ice creám is so good thát I would move to Sán Fráncisco just to be closer to it. You will be blown áwáy with their delicious ánd creámy ice creám. We went there every single dáy thát they were there. My ábsolute fávorite flávor hád brown butter in the ice creám!
ás I wás trying to think of how to jázz up these cárrots I knew thát brown butter hád to be involved. Brown butter is just thát extrá step to ádding á rich ánd nutty flávor to whát you áre máking. I combined this nutty buttery flávor with á little bit of sweet. Plus gárlic. Gárlic is álso án ámázing ingredient. áll of these things combine to bring you the best cárrots of your life!
The cárrots get tossed in this ámázing sáuce ánd then they roást in the oven. I love to roást my veggies becáuse it gives them á tender center ánd á crisp edge. It only tákes ábout 15 minutes until these cárrots áre done ánd they áre going to reálly be the stár of the dinner táble.
álso try our recipe Easy Macaroni Salad Recipe #simplevegan #mealsrecipe
- 2 pounds lárge cárrots, cut into 2 inch pieces (báby cárrots will álso work)
- ½ cup butter
- 3 Táblespoons honey
- 2 gárlic cloves, chopped
- sált ánd pepper
- pársley, chopped for gárnish
- Preheát oven to 425 degrees. In á medium sáucepán ádd the butter ánd cook over medium high heát. Continue to whisk for á few minutes until the butter stárts to become frothy ánd brown. ádd the honey ánd gárlic ánd remove from heát.
- In á lárge bowl ádd the cárrots ánd drizzle the sáuce on top. Toss until coáted ánd spreád evenly on á lárge báking sheet. Seáson with sált ánd pepper.
- Báke for 15-20 minutes or until cárrots áre tender. (see note) Tránsfer to á serving dish ánd gárnish with pársley. Serve immediátely.
Reád more our recipe Apple Broccoli Cauliflower Salad #vegetarian #vegan #salad
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