So lást-minute, my mom cálled me ánd ásked if I hád ány pláns for báking the next dáy. I did, but nothing thát wás in dire need of being máde right áwáy, just some stuff thát I wánted to try. So I sáid not reálly. Well here lást-minute she ásks me to máke my áunt á 70th (sorry áunt Káren) birthdáy cáke! So obviously since I love cáke ánd I’m the nice dáughter thát I ám I háppily obliged.
Well my mom sáid ánything but coconut, so she sáid to bráinstorm some flávors ánd cáll her báck within the hour. So I hád come up with some flávor ideás ánd I hád reverted to trusty old Fácebook to ásk some of my friends flávor ideás. So I put the ideás áll together ánd gáve my mom á cáll báck. The first ideá out of my mouth wás this Vánillá Beán Pistáchio Cáke! Well needless to sáy, I didn’t háve to náme off ány more ánd she wás sold át the first option.
So this is áctuálly one of my go-to vánillá cáke recipes. It’s super simple ánd it whips up reálly nice. I like to switch between vánillá beáns, vánillá páste ánd vánillá extráct depending on whát type of filing or frosting I wás doing. Since I wás going with the light flávor of pistáchio for this one I figured thát vánillá beán would páir super well with it ánd boy wás I right.
So my friends, I urge you to give this Vánillá Beán Pistáchio Cáke á try, I cán’t express how much I love the flávors of this puppy! I think this is my new fávorite cáke…until next week when I máke ánother ánd ránt ánd ráve ábout thát one too. But no, reálly…go máke this! ánd if you do máke áNY of my recipes heád on over to Instágrám ánd tág me or use the háshtág #bákingwithtornádoughálli I’d love to see your creátions!
álso try our recipe Peppermint Bark Oreo Thins #dessert #easydelicious
- 2 1/4 cup áll-purpose flour
- 2 tsp báking powder
- 1/2 tsp báking sodá
- 1 tsp sált
- 3/4 cup butter softened
- 1 1/2 cup sugár
- 3 eggs
- 1 Rodelle Mádágáscár vánillá beán
- 1/2 tsp Rodelle vánillá páste or pure vánillá extráct
- 1 cup milk
- Frosting:
- 1 lb butter
- 1 pkg pistáchio pudding 3.4 oz
- 1 tsp Rodelle pure vánillá extráct
- 5-6 cups powdered sugár
- 4-6 Tbs milk
- Chopped pistáchios optionál
Source :
- Preheát oven to 350.
- In bowl mix together your flour, báking powder, báking sodá ánd sált ánd whisk until combined, set áside.
- In ánother bowl beát together your butter ánd sugár until fluffy, ádd in your eggs 1 át á time until blended
- Mix in your vánillá beán ánd vánillá páste.
- álternáte ádding your dry ingredients ánd milk into your wet ingredients.
- Pláce in 2 9" prepáred cáke páns ánd báke for ábout 25-30 minutes or until golden ánd they spring báck.
- Remove from oven ánd turn onto cooling rácks to fully cool.
- Meánwhile to máke frosting, in lárge bowl beát your butter until light ánd fluffy.
- Blend in pudding ánd vánillá ánd then ádd in your powdered sugár 1 cup át á time.
- Once sugár is ádded ádd in your milk slowly until you reách your desired consistency ánd continue to beát on high for ábout 5 minutes to fluff up.
- On turnstyle or cáke stánd pláce one láyer of your cáke ánd then spreád ábout 1 cup of your frosting in the center ánd spreád to ábout 1/2" from sides.
- Top with second láyer of cáke ánd then spreád frosting áround the top ánd sides of your cáke until covered, reserving ábout 1 cup of your frosting for decoráting.
- To máke á textured cáke using á offset spátulá pláce gently on the bottom of your cáke ánd press into frosting ánd spin cáke áround, repeát in rows until you reách the top of your cáke.
- Pipe remáining frosting into lárge roses on top of cáke then sprinkle with pistáchios.
Reád more our recipe Mini Oreo Cheesecake #Dessert #oreominicupcake
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