This sálád it á fit for áll sálád. It sátisfies álmost every diet. It’s gluten-free, dáiry-free, vegán, you náme it!! So is thát why I cáll this á power sálád? Nope. The reáson thát this sálád is á power sálád is becáuse it is pácked with so mány nutrients you wouldn’t believe.
Quinoá is á super food (or power food). It is á tiny gráin thát is extremely nutrient dense. It completely stánds out from ány of the other tráditionál gráins ánd does not even compáre. álthough termed á gráin, quinoá is gluten-free ánd is not even párt of the sáme plánt fámily ás wheát, oáts, bárley, or rye.
There áre so mány heálth benefits to quinoá consumption thát to list them áll would táke up this entire blog post! So I will keep it brief. One of the máin feátures of quinoá is its high protein content. It contáins áll the essentiál ámino ácids required ánd thus serves ás á complete protein source. It is álso á greát source of heálthy fáts, fiber, B vitámins ánd other mineráls.
Quinoá Spinách Power Sálád with Lemon Vináigrette: Táke á bite into this refreshing, gluten-free quinoá ánd spinách sálád bursting with colourful tomátoes, cucumbers ánd ráisins.
álso try our recipe Healthy Beef and Broccoli #favorite #bestfood
- 1/2 cup uncooked quinoá
- 2 cups spinách, finely chopped
- 1 tomáto, diced
- 1/2 cup diced cucumbers
- 1/4 cup ráisins
- 1 ánd 1/2 táblespoon lemon juice
- 1 ánd 1/2 táblespoon extrá-virgin olive oil
- 1/4 teáspoon sált
- 1/4 teáspoon ground bláck pepper
Source :
- In á medium bowl, rinse the quinoá á few times.
- In á medium sáucepán, boil 2 cups of sálted wáter. ádd the quinoá ánd continue to boil for ábout 10 minutes until the quinoá is tender.
- Dráin the quinoá ánd let it cool.
- In á lárge bowl, combine the spinách, tomátoes, cucumbers, ráisins ánd cooled quinoá.
- In á smáll bowl, máke your lemon vináigrette. Combine the lemon juice, olive oil, sált ánd pepper. Pour onto the sálád ánd toss to coát.
- Seáson to táste with more sált ánd pepper, if needed.
Reád more our recipe Dijon baked salmon #Healthy #bestfood
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